There is still huge diffferences on wether school students in South Africa have to wear uniforms or not. The topic is very broad and not easy to decide. School uniforms has been part of our school since colony. Those who support school uniform state that school uniforms help in reducing crime, gangs and violence in schools. Most of the school teachers, principals and parents are said to be in favour of school uniforms. The supporters of school uniform also add up to their claim by stating that school uniforms help with descipline and creating a good image in schools.
School are said to teach learners maners and values as human being. Researches made state that school uniforms reduce morning fights between students and parents. School uniforms also are said to reduce bad competition between learners on who is wearing the best brand.Learners from poverty stricken familly can feel included in the school.
Those who oppose school uniforms state that there is no concrete evidence on the fact that school uniforms do reduce violence,gangs and crime in our school. Recent tragedies in Krugersdorp emphasises their point. They also state that some options such as increasing number of teachers patrolling in hallways during period changes can be used,also increasing security by hiring security can help in reducing violence,gangs and crimes. Using uniforms take away learner's rights of freedom of expression. Any breaking of law is a crime so schools are said to be violenting learner's rights.A research was done on wether school uniform increase pass rate and the personality of the students and found out that the claim is vacant,personality is what comes from within a person also uniform has no magic that can make learners to perform better.
In our curriculum which promote inclusivity uniforms might be seen as agents of exclusion because some parents can't afford buying uniforms,which resulted in some learners suffering humilision because there does not have uniforms.
To the supporters of school uniforms, uniforms reduce crime, violent and gangs,promote learning but to the opponents uniforms are nothing but a burden on school chlidren and parents, they see uniforms as enslaving learners and violeting their rights.
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