Friday, August 29, 2008


It was monday morning and I was reading the newspaper the headline read as "A SCHOOL PRINCIPAL RAPES A LEARNER". I was very ashamed and betrayed by that bad behavior by my fellow comrade that I even ask myself if the news repoter was just making it up.

This has become a very bad disease in most of our teachers, they no longer see their learners as their children. One wonders wether they chose the teaching carrer because of hunger or the passion of building the strong educated future children. As a teacher and a rolemodel one ask questions on what does young children learn from a person of such behaviour.

Most of the teenagers become pregnant because of their teachers and they keep quite because of fear. Some children are promised to be given money and free marks just because they slept with the teacher. This behaviour is destroying the good image of teachers.

The question is as a teacher, a public figure what do you feel when you start to approach young children. Don't you feel ashemed of yourself? Don't you care about the child's future? Most of the learners who has gone through the abuse lose focus in school work.

Even female teachers are involved in this acts that leave them naked, one of the female teachers was found busy seducing and kissing a student at school. As teachers we took the outh that we will treat students as our children but why now?

This disease is taking us down teachers is about we say enough is enough.

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