Thursday, August 28, 2008


There was a time when a man was judged according to his power. Men's power in the battle earn them respect, wealth and land. During those times being violent was not seen as being uncivilized and violeting other people's rights but as the way of making a living.

Today things have changed, a man is judged by his educational background, a man has to acquire education and to have status in their lives, and live successfully. Education is the key to every door of success now. Without it one is like an empty vessel which makes a lot of noise than full vessels.

Education helps one to survive in this world. Education give all tools of survival such responsibilitty,confidence and discipline. Education also teach people with respect. Education stimulate peoples mind and build their creativity.

A nation that is not educated suffer a lot from violance, crimes and wars as the learders are shorting necessary skills needed to make wise discions. Education is the only thing that brought civilization and peace. Educated people use their mouth to solve problem not weapons.

They say in Venda a pen is better than a knobkrie,which means that education is far better than fighting. Proffessionals know how to solve their problems without using bombs and guns. Education promotes peace and can be the only thing to combat crime and other social problems in South Africa.

Education helps one to find his/her own ablity. Education lay the foundation to the successful future. A nation without education is ill..

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