Thursday, August 28, 2008


Our education system seem to be based on the political eras happening in our country, the education during apartheid system is totally different from education now during democracy. When ANC won the government in 1994 they came with the plan of changing the education system in South Africa. Therefore they introduced the OBE system.

The OBE system came with its advantages and disadvantages. Amoungst other disadvantages is the lack of the teachers who can carry the objectives of OBE, by that problem it turns out that OBE is not effective. Most of the teachers teaching in our schools has no exprience in the new curriculum and the government is to be blamed because they did not train their staff before implementing the curriculum in schools.

OBE as a curriculum is very good in our schools, the curriculum is composed of subjects that are aimed at enriching our children with knowledge.There is a subject like Life orientation aimed at teaching learners about their lifes and different systems that surround them. The subject is aimed at enriching young children with human values such as respect. Life orientation also teach children about other challenges that lie upon their lives such as teenage pregnancy, drug abuse HIV & AIDS and peer preasure. The subject also teaches about respecting other people's religions and cultures as South Africa is a country with diverse culture.

Amoungst other subject there is arts and culture aimed at developing art skills that young children has. As we are living in the world of technology there is subject like Technology aimed at developing technological skills in learners,there is economic managent sciences that is enreaching children in the economic world. There is also mathematics and mathematical literacy used to enriching children's knowledge in numbers.

OBE curriculum allows children to work in groups in order to help each other,the teacher is now a facilitator. The aim is to enrich children with knowledge not exam driven. The assesment is countinous which means everything done in class count as pass mark.

OBE also gives parents a chance in education of their children, some tasks needs to be done at home with the help of parents. OBE curriculum is aimed at developing the community and the lives of children.

The teaching content of OBE is relavant to things that happen in our everyday lives and pratical things unlike Bantu education were in learners were taught about frogs as if they are going to be frog doctors.

If the curriculum is implemented well learners and the whole South African community will benefit a lot.

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