Friday, August 29, 2008


Most of our students do not underperform because they are not capable, it is because of the stress and lack of motivation. Therefore I argue teachers and parents to give motivation ad full support to their children.

Motivating learners helps them to perform better in the class, increase self confidence and higher self esteem. Motivation can also serve as a relieve to psychological breakdown. Motivating learners helps as a source of strength and perseverance. Motivation boost the morale of learners.

Motivation also helps learners as an armunation to conquer fear. Most of the schools that invite motivational speakers at their school tend to perform better. Learners has to be exposed to their rolemodels so that they can learn from them and be motivated to achieve more. Teachers also can be motivators by encouraging learners to achieve more. Teachers has to always give positive comments about learner's partipation at the same time showing them that they still have a room to improve.

Parents also play a role in motivating learners, negative comments always kills the sprit of learners,so parents has to encourage their children and give them support even when they are struggling. Giving children positive comments brought hope and encourages them to do better.

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