Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The rate of violent is increasing dramatically in our schools,while schools are suppossed to be the modt peaceful place the have changed to be the shaolin temples,one wonder what is really causing those violence that have claimed the lives of many students. School violence is a desease in our schools that needs to be wiped the question is how? The nation is still surprised about what happened in Krugersdorp but what do we have to do to stop it from occuring again.

The causes of violence in our schools are caused buy ill discipline on our children,most of the learners lack discipline which raises a question on what must be done to improve their discipline.It has become possible that parents who withdraw themselves from their children are putting their childrren in a huge risk of being violent the character which they brought to our schools. Children who lack discipline always lack respect and they tend to slove everything in violent way. Psychologists state that behavior is learned,so familly violence also mould learners to be violent.

Bulling is also the cause of violence in our schools. Many children who are victims of bulling become violent in a way of protecting themselves. Reseach state that most of those children burst out in anger and end killing other students,they are also in huge risk of committing sucied.

As school practitioners we can not afford to sit down and look while the acts of violence are mounting in our schools like this. Schools need to have psychologists who will monitor that every learner is psychologiucally fine, again the parents need to be told that they should be involved in their children's life and offering them discipline.

Schools has to hire securits in the schools to increase safety on the students and teachers, students need to be searched before enteering the school premises because most of them enter the school premises with weapons and drugs that take part in increasing violence in our schools.If we just sit and watch the number of children to die in our schools will be higher than the number of iraqies dying in the war.

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