Thursday, August 28, 2008


Some people does not know the main reason behind being a teacher, some see it as just going to the class and teach get a small wage at the end of the months, teaching is more than earning money and TEACHING. The main reason behind the carrer is serving the nation,is spotting talents and developing them.

Being an educator means being a parent to your learners, you have to know when they are happy or not.It means helping them in any means to get them going,reaching their goals.
An educator is a light that shines in the dark non stop,it means putting burning fire in the lives of learners.

An educator is the motivator who keeps on sitimulating the willing of learning to his/her students. A teacher start something from where there is nothing, a teacher build a strong foundation of success to his/her learners.

An educator is the last friend a learner has during dark days where no one sees light. A teacher gives psychological advice to all his/her learners in need of being saved from all the problems of life. A teacher is someone who does not see cracks in his/her learners, he/she see a raw talent and pontetial that needs to be developed.

A teacher is an example of to his/her learners, someone who is prepared to sacrifice for his/her learners. Is someone who has a burning passion of building the successful tomorrow. A teacher is soldier in the army of bringing civillization to his/her country ,His weapons are books,pens and his strong heart with a passion and love.

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