Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The number of teenage pregnency in our schools is increasing, the big question is wether pregnancy at schools have an impact on learning ? Some people are blaming the government for allowing teenage preganancy to rise by allowing pregnant girls to attend school even when they are pregnant. The other question is what is causing teenage pregnancy to rise drammatically?

Poverty is said to be one of the factors that causes teenage pregnancy, many of South African famillies are living in poverty that it becomes difficult sometimes to put food in the table. Many teenage girls opted to selling sex as the solution to their sufferings. Some of them become impregneted by older people who were supposed to give such children advices on how to break poverty and live successful life.

One of the factors influencing pregnancy is time, the time that children are living in today is tatally different from the olden days where in children has to respect elders and do what they are told without objecting. Now there is televisions and other medias which show sex actions which influence teenagers to practice.

The other thing influencing teenage pregnancies is the fact that traditional education in form of initiations is now neglected which learners to grow up without that human values and traditional knowledge which arm them against any wrong doing.

Most of the researchers state that disallowing girls to come to school while pregnant is stepping over their rights of learning which the consititution gave them. They also state that it also makes them feel guility and unwanted and kill their morale on being productive people.

Some state that pregnent girls must not be included to our schools because they set a bad example to other learners. They support their point by stating that school is a place of learning not a clinic so it will be hard for teachers to help the learner during labour times.

Inclusive education and the constitution give every learner a chance to get education wether pregnant or not. But the question is wether a teenage parent to be can be able to concentrate on school work while at the same time expecting a child and the unknown future.

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